Bonaire Dive Travel Review by ganderx - Bluewater Dive Travel

Bonaire Dive Travel Review by ganderx

Bonaire Diving


I have been to Bonaire a few times and always liked the scuba diving. I like being on my own schedule and not being lead around in a group. I just rent a truck and drive to where ever I feel like diving that day.

The scuba diving in Bonaire is good but don't expect to see lots of big marine life. Tarpon and some turtles are the biggest I've seen there. The bottom from shore out to the drop off is often barren sand and broken coral with occasional clumps of coral and fans. The shore entries and exits can sometimes be difficult with some small surge, especially if you are lugging around camera gear. If there are non divers in your group prepare them for Bonaire. There isn't much to do if you aren't in to water sports. Wind surfing and kite boarding are the other main activities. There is fishing of course but not really a lot of shopping or tourist activities. Once you've seen the Voodoo Museum there isn't much else to see.
It is getting better with cruise ships stopping but it has along way to go before it becomes anything more than a dive destination.

Visited on 09/2013 - Submitted on 04/09/2014
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