The only PADI Career Development Center in Bonaire - Bluewater Dive Travel
The only PADI Career Development Center in Bonaire

The only PADI Career Development Center in Bonaire


Buddy Dive Resort Bonaire Receives the Highest PADI Classification 

Buddy Dive CDC 

Buddy Dive Resort Bonaire is proud to announce that they received the highest PADI Classification given out to dive shops: the PADI Career Development Center Classification. This is the highest classification a dive shop can receive from PADI and is the end result of many years of hard work and devotion from the entire dive crew.

Currently there are 101 Career Development Center’s worldwide with 9 in the Caribbean and Buddy Dive Resort Bonaire being the only one in the area.

Buddy Dive CDC

“Buddy Dive Resort has worked hard to achieve PADI’s CDC level of excellence. The dedication to continuing education and professional level courses shows through in the wonderful instructors that have trained through their program. Training in the resort allows candidates to gain valuable resort operations experiences that make them ready to start their careers in diving anywhere that Buddy Dive helps place them” commented Erica Wedepohl, Director of Field Services at PADI.”

 Buddy  Dive CDC

Buddy Dive Resort, Bonaire’s leading dive hotel is known for its personable staff, spacious accommodations and a dive operation that has something for every diver. Today, the Resort is complete with eleven modern buildings housing spacious one, two and three bedroom apartments, a full service dive center, activity desk, two swimming pools, restaurants, pool bar, vehicle rentals and the famous drive-thru air and Nitrox fill station.

Built with active people in mind, Buddy Dive Resort knows exactly what is needed to make guests comfortable both during their busy day of diving and exploring.

How to Book Buddy Dive Resort

Bluewater Travel can book you on any trip to Buddy Dive for the same cost or less than booking any other way. We know the resort, rooms, and when to go better than anyone else!


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