Cocos Island Dive Travel Review by Liz - Bluewater Dive Travel

Cocos Island Dive Travel Review by Liz

Cocos Island Diving


Cocos Island is my favorite dive destination - I have only had other trips come in second or third but never ahead of this one! We dove with the Undersea Hunter group and they are excellent on all levels. They have three boats for their live aboard operations; The Sea Hunter, Undersea Hunter and the Argo. We stayed on the Undersea Hunter which is the smallest boat and therefore takes a smaller group of people which I prefer. The Argo is the more luxurious vessel and is a very beautiful if you don't mind parting with the extra money. There is also a deep sea submersible that sometimes goes out on the Sea Hunter if there are guests that want the experience of a deeper dive.

Every dive site we went to had something spectacular to see. Besides large schools of hammerheads at sites like Alcyone, we saw silky and galapagos sharks. An added adventure is night diving with schools of white tips on the hunt. There is no end to what you can see at sites like Manuelita (outside) because the currents bring in all sort of pelagic life; several species of rays, whale sharks and tiger sharks. Turtles, sharks and rays continuously circle in the shallows looking for the cleaner fish and it's a treat to watch all the activities. It's amazing what can swim by on an open water drift. We had dolphins, sharks and rays pass us on an early morning safety stop.

Then there are the fish! Not everyday fish either! Cocos is a place where you can see the oddball batfish in relatively shallow water. I found the always busy leather bass fun to watch and photograph. You will also see very large schools of jacks and large predatory fish that the sharks follow in search of food.

The crew on the boat are the best and so is the food. The cabins were comfortable and there were plenty of places to relax on the boat. You will want for nothing on the Undersea Hunter boats!

Visited on 06/2009 - Submitted on 01/19/2014
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