Tanzania Big Game Safari Trip Report 2021 - Bluewater Dive Travel
Tanzania Big Game Safari Trip Report 2021

Tanzania Big Game Safari Trip Report 2021

Tanzania Big Game Safari Trip Report

August 2021

Words and pictures by Craig Dietrich

Camera gear: Canon 5D Mark IV l, Sigma 60-600 and the Canon 16-35 lens.


I was excited to lead Bluewater’s first Big Game Safari in the summer of 2021. I had been to Tanzania twice before and was honored to have the opportunity to share this awesome topside wildlife destination with a great group of photography enthusiasts.

tanzania wildlife african safari



Our ten-day journey started and ended in Arusha, the safari capital of Tanzania. Arusha is located at the foot of Mt. Meru (near Mt. Kilimanjaro and several National Parks). Arusha is a relatively short drive to the Serengeti, home to world-famous wildlife and where we would spend much of our trip.

wildlife safari tanzania


Tarangire National Park

Our itinerary began with two days in Tarangire National Park which has the second greatest concentration of wildlife in Tanzania. after the Serengeti.  Among the highlights of Tarangire was the sun rising through the beautiful Baobab trees, made famous to many as the “Tree of Life” as shown in Disney’s “Animal Kingdom”, and elephants - hundreds of them! We were also very fortunate to see a family of cheetahs resting on top of a large termite hill, a first for all of us.  It was an incredible first leg of the adventure!

tanzania wildlife tanzania elephants tanzania safari


Ngorongoro Crater

Next on the itinerary was the famous Ngorongoro Crater, and it’s not surprising that the Crater is one of Tanzania’s most visited areas. Standing on the rim of the crater was like being on a movie set, so surreal. Driving down into the crater, the temperature dropped as we headed into a new ecosystem and witnessed a host of species including water buffalo, zebra, lions, still more elephants.

zebra tanzania wildlife photography 


Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti, part of Africa’s most famous wildlife park, was our home for the next four days. On our journey there we passed Maasai tribesmen riding motorbikes, bringing the past and the present together in one moment. Giraffes dotted the landscape on the sides of the road, a very surreal sight. Arriving in the Serengeti was like riding onto our own real-life Lion King set. Lion families with playing cubs, warthogs, a leopard observing her recently born cubs, gazelles, and much more. Acacia trees were a stunning backdrop to this beautiful area, giving everyone fantastic photo opportunities. Later in the day, we stopped by a large lake to observe the hippos in all their glory. And in the evening, we were treated to incredible sunset images over the same lake area. The night brought with it sounds of the hyena, elephants, and lions, making us all grateful we were safe in our safari tents.  

African Safari wildlife tanzania african wildlife safari

A fitting finale to our adventure was witnessing part of the annual wildebeest crossing along the Mara River. It is estimated that half a million of these animals make this trek annually. The crossing is truly one of the most spectacular events in nature and we were so grateful that we were there for it. At the end of our Serengeti adventure, we flew back to Arusha to start our journey home.  



The accommodations at all our destinations were clean and very comfortable, the service at each lodge was impeccable, the food was delicious and plentiful. The African people are friendly and eager to please, anticipating the needs of each and every guest. I can’t say enough good things about the Guides that accompanied us on our adventure. Their knowledge was unmatched and their attitudes were constantly positive. The Guides appreciate that this is a once-in-a=lifetime trip for many of our guests and were determined to make the experience a memorable one. Despite the long days, this trip gave us an incredible insight into Mother Nature’s gift that is Tanzania.  

Tanzania Game Safari Tanzania African Safari


Looking for other options?

Find out more from our African Safari guides: 

The Big Five in Tanzania

Gorilla Trekking

Or contact us directly at info@bluewaterdivetravel.com and we'll book your dream adventure!


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