Trip Reports ARTICLES - Bluewater Dive Travel

Trip Reports ARTICLES

Dumaguete Trip Report 2024

Wire coral shrimp photographed with steel wool backdrop taught during the Bluewater workshop by Nirupam Nigam
Dumaguete is well known by underwater photographers and marine life enthusiasts for its superb diving and warm Filipino hospitality, and it easily lived up to this reputation during our stay. Read our full trip recap of this year's underwater photography workshop!
A large school of groupers swim past
Dive into the exhilarating experience of Bluewater Travel's 2024 Fakarava Grouper Spawning Group Trip! From the thrill of arrival to the breathtaking dives in the famous Fakarava passes, discover the incredible marine life, including thousands of groupers and hundreds of sharks, that make this bucket-list dive an unforgettable journey. Whether you're an avid diver or a marine life enthusiast, this article offers a glimpse into a truly extraordinary underwater spectacle.

Cozumel May 2024 Trip Report

underwater colorful reef with diver in background in cozumel
The diving trip at Iberostar Resort, led by Paul Vukovich and Mike Chiado, kicked off with a welcoming meet-up to brief guests on the exciting diving schedule and resort amenities. The following days were filled with spectacular dives, featuring unique marine life like Splendid Toadfish and Loggerhead Turtles. The group also enjoyed engaging workshops and the resort's top-notch facilities, culminating in a thrilling photo contest. Read more about our recent Bluewater Underwater Photo Workshop in Cozumel, Mexico.

Anilao Trip Recap Spring 2024

A seahorse's silhouette in Anilao, Philippines
Anilao Underwater Photo Workshops 2023 offer two back-to-back workshops in one of the greatest macro destinations in the world. The 2023 workshops were both sold-out events, consisting of a mix of novice photographers who were visiting the region for the first time ever, to advanced shooters who have been to multiple workshops over the years. Find out all about our trip (with photos)!

Galapagos Trip Report 2024

Galapagos marine iguana eating algae underwater
Bluewater Dive Travel’s annual Galapagos Islands trip was a remarkable 10-day adventure aboard the Galapagos Master. With ideal conditions following the end of El Niño, divers experienced vibrant marine life including schooling hammerhead sharks and mola mola. Highlights included close encounters with orcas, feeding marine iguanas, and rare sightings of red-lipped batfish. The trip featured engaging workshops and culminated in a photo contest, making it an unforgettable experience.
A whale tail emerges from the water in Baja Mexico.
Baja Ultimate Whale Safari 2024, led by Helen Brierley, thrilled participants with whale encounters starting in Cabo San Lucas. From humpbacks to whale sharks and grey whales, each day brought new marine marvels, including playful sea lions and rare sightings like sperm whales. The journey culminated in luxurious glamping and intimate moments with gentle grey whale mothers and calves, making it an unforgettable expedition.

Raja Ampat Trip Report 2024

A group of people at Piaynemo viewpoint in Raja Ampat
We celebrated New Year's Eve in Raja Ampat aboard the Emperor Harmoni liveaboard! Our itinerary covered Misool, Central Raja, and Dampier, so we got to experience all the best dive sites and encountered mantas, wobbegong sharks, walking sharks, bobtail squid, and a stunning array of corals. We also hiked to the incredible jellyfish lake and Piaynemo viewpoint.
Tanzania group of elephants in the wild
In December 2023, a Bluewater Photo Group explored Tanzania's Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater, and Serengeti. Highlights included diverse wildlife sightings like elephants, lions, flamingos, and a rare black rhino. The Serengeti offered memorable encounters with elephants, lions, leopards, and cheetahs, making it a trip of remarkable wildlife multiples.

Anilao Trip Report December 2023

Clown fish guarding eggs in Anilao Philippines by Kevin K Hurtz
Throughout the Anilao workshop, instruction remained a cornerstone, featuring six comprehensive presentations covering macro photography, snoot shooting, creative techniques, wide-angle photography, blackwater shooting, and a live Lightroom demonstration. Daily image reviews were conducted to gauge guest progress following the formal instructions. Interestingly, these sessions often resulted in overwhelmingly positive comments from both instructors and guests, underscoring the exceptional quality of the images produced.

Fiji Trip Report 2023

Fiji Trip Report 2023
Fiji is a must-return dive destination for its scenic beauty, healthy reefs, diverse marine life, and vibrant underwater colors. It's accessible, safe, and has a friendly local culture. Our trip on the Nai’a liveaboard included incredible dive sites like Bligh Water, E-6, and Mount Mutiny, featuring stunning corals, fish, and underwater landscapes.

Moorea 2023 Trip Report

Moorea trip report humpback whale surfacing
Every year, French Polynesia hosts humpback whales who travel from Antarctica to the islands’ warmer tropical waters, to mate, calve, and nurse their young. Interactions with these giants of the sea are life-changing, and for the lucky few who encounter humpbacks in the water, the experience is described as once-in-a-lifetime!

Lembeh Trip Report 2023

Yellow and purple nudibranch lembeh
Lembeh is a place where you can truly appreciate the beauty of the small and often-overlooked creatures that inhabit the world's oceans. It is a must-visit destination for any diver with an interest in macro photography and a fascination with critters. The combination of knowledgeable dive guides, fantastic marine life, and excellent accommodations make this trip in which many guests return year after year. There is something about Lembeh that never gets old, and returning can never happen soon enough. Read our Oct 2023 trip recap...
Whale Tales & Coral Trails: A French Polynesian Odyssey
From Tahiti to Moorea, our journey was filled with diving, snorkeling, and whale watching. Highlights included encounters with humpback whales, turtles, reef sharks, and vibrant marine life. Rangiroa's Tiputa Pass offered thrilling dives with dolphins and manta rays. In Fakarava, we experienced mesmerizing walls of sharks and flourishing coral reefs. Each day brought new adventures and unforgettable moments.

Cuba Trip Report 2023

Cuba Shark
In October 2023, Bluewater Travel organized a long-awaited Cuba Underwater Photo Workshop aboard the Avalon IV, following an adventurous Havana land tour. The journey offered insights into Cuba's rich history and vibrant culture before diving into the pristine reefs of Jardines de la Reina. Despite challenges like hurricane season and coral bleaching, the trip featured 21 dives teeming with marine life, from curious groupers to elusive hutias, culminating in rewarding photo workshops and a heartfelt camaraderie among divers and crew alike.

La Paz Trip Report 2023

A turtle rests on the wreck of the Fang Ming by Eric Lin
The Sea of Cortez is a destination we always look forward to, and this year’s La Paz Photo Workshop was no exception. Eighteen guests joined Bluewater Travel for an unforgettable trip exploring the dive sites around La Paz, Mexico where we enjoyed 86 degree water and had interactions with sea lions, turtles, wrecks, and much more! Find out more...

Dumaguete Trip Report 2023

A closeup photo of a Shaun the Sheep Nudibranch in Dumaguette
Dumaguete is well known by underwater photographers and marine life enthusiasts for its superb diving and warm Filipino hospitality, and it easily lived up to this reputation during our stay. Read our full trip recap from this year's underwater photography workshop!



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